Thought force is a new fundamental interaction
According to current, widespread understanding, measurable thoughts are electromagnetic signals of the brain. The spectrum of frequency of the brain's electric signals is known. We made a very simple experiment with force of thought using a paper wheel. We concluded that the energy
carried by thoughts (expressed in frequency of energy wave) was eight orders of magnitude beyond the highest frequencies of the brain's electric waves. The brain's electromagnetic signal does not explain all effects of thought; it is just a part of measurable thought. Measurable thought is
more than the brain's electromagnetic signal. Thought is a gravitylike force. According to modern physics, gravity is the deformation of space-time. With this definition, however, we can only partially account for the peculiarities of the force of thought. For a complete understanding, we
must redefine the concept of gravity; and for this, we must broaden our concept of the “space-time” conceptual system. This broader version is the “space-matter” model. Space-time constitutes a part of the space-matter model. The fundamental difference between the two
lies in the definition of time. In the space-matter model, time is created through the action-reaction of space and matter. Time is the wave of space from the viewpoint of matter. Thought manifests itself as a new fundamental force. This new force can be given either as the changes in the
frequencies of space waves (and time waves) or as nonspace waves that are faster than light.
Keywords: Energy of Thought; Fast Wave; Force of Thought; Gravity; Mind Power; Space-Matter; Thought; Wave of Space; Wave of Time
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: June 17, 2016
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