E-Learning Implementation in Physical Education Department in Higher Education During COVID-19 Pandemic
The implementation of e-learning is getting more vigorous as the revolution of industry 4.0 has also affected the education domain. The E-learning system must be planned comprehensively and educational institutions cannot run the system suddenly. Education in Indonesia should be run
at home, including higher education. The purpose of this research was to determine and to compare the implementation of e-learning in the Physical Education (PE) Department in public and private college. Data were collected using a questionnaire adapted from e-learning readiness factors and
national rules of e-learning implementation. Based on score, the PE department in Sports Faculty did better e-learning than STKIP PGRI Trenggalek, but both institutions had many aspects that had to be leveled up and improved to keep the learning meaningful and of high quality.
Keywords: COVID-19; e-learning; pandemic; physical education
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: December 1, 2020
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