Avanzando con los tiempos: Jóvenes, bienes comunes y desarrollo comunitario
Community-based resource management can improve income streams while conserving natural ecosystems. Yet, continued success in these systems is challenged in different ways. Those external to communities, including market-related ones, are relatively well-reported in the literature. Those internal are, surprisingly, less well studied. For example, the work and governance structures that underpin community forestry across much of rural Latin America are dominated by older male members. This leaves several community sub-groups underrepresented, including the young people. This paper draws on qualitative research conducted in Oaxaca, Mexico to understand the nature of contemporary youth-community connections, to consider whether youth see local commons as viable and meaningful options for meeting work and life aspirations. In all cases, successful integration into village life was easier for older youth (over 23 years of age) and for males; with traditional governance institutions posing a barrier to more equitable participation and empowerment among young people.
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: Universidad de Saskatchewan, Canadá
Publication date: August 31, 2022
Medio Ambiente y Urbanización (Mayu) es un publicación de acceso abierto. Fue fundada en 1983 por IIED-América Latina para alentar profesionales, equipos de gobiernos y grupos de la sociedad civil a documentar su trabajo e intercambiar ideas. En 1989 se creó la revista en inglés Environment and Urbanization. Las dos revistas tienen normas editoriales similares y a veces comparten contenido. En general Medio Ambiente y Urbanización tiene un enfoque latinoamericano mientras Environment and Urbanization cubre todas las regiones del mundo.
Medio Ambiente y Urbanización is an open access Journal. It was founded in 1983 to encourage researchers, NGO staff and other professionals to write about their work and to exchange ideas. An English language sister journal, Environment and Urbanization was set up in 1989. The two journals have similar editorial policies and some shared content – with Medio Ambiente y Urbanización focusing mainly on Latin America while Environment and Urbanization covers all regions of the world.
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