@article {Foody:1998:0143-1161:2593, title = "Sharpening fuzzy classification output to refine the representation of sub-pixel land cover distribution", journal = "International Journal of Remote Sensing", parent_itemid = "infobike://tandf/tres", publishercode ="tandf", year = "1998", volume = "19", number = "13", publication date ="1998-09-10T00:00:00", pages = "2593-2599", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "0143-1161", eissn = "1366-5901", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/tres/1998/00000019/00000013/art00013", doi = "doi:10.1080/014311698214659", author = "Foody, G. M.", abstract = "Fuzzy classification may be used to estimate the class composition of image pixels but it does not indicate how these classes are distributed spatially within the pixels. The potential to locate the distribution of classes more precisely through the use of a sharpening image was investigated. A sharpened fuzzy classification provided a visually improved representation of land cover and formed a more appropriate base for the derivation of quantitative measures of landscape mosaic than the fuzzy classification it was derived from.", }