“Rama Katha of the Hills and Terrains”: A Study of the Tradition of Rama Katha of the Communities of North-East India
Rama-Katha has always been a prime subject of interest and experiment in both literary forms and performative arts. It is said that it was prevalent even before the first scribe of the Ramayana, Valmiki took the initiative to document and ascribe the story a certain form. After
this the Rama-Katha was not only translated in different languages, but also underwent changes in form and shape. Rama-Katha still exist in the oral form, especially among the communities of north-east India. The objective of this paper is to explore different versions of oral
Rama-Katha of the communities, dwelling in north-east India, which are both homogeneous and heterogeneous in overtone.
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: Department of Basic science & Humanities IEM Kolkata
Publication date: October 1, 2023
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