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Workplace English Training

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In today's global society, business is increasingly conducted across borders, with English often used as the language of international communication. Being able to use English in the workplace has many benefits, including: helping your business succeed, building trust with colleagues and customers, building and improving international relationships, enhancing skills, earn good salaries and improve international relations through cultural understanding. Workplace cultures and organizations are changing as they adapt to globalization and rapid technological developments. Likewise, the nature and role of language in work and literacy requirements in the workplace are changing in the face of increasingly multicultural work environments and global networks of communication. Among these changes, recent research has highlighted the role of informal modes of interpersonal communication in the functioning of the modern workplace. Successful participation in such interactions should not only be seen as a matter of social inclusion but also as a verbal activity. This article reviews current research on the nature of language in the workplace, with particular attention to the contributions of ethnographic research and language socialization. It then discusses research on four aspects of language content in employment programs: employability skills, interpersonal communication, intercultural openness, and the importance of language and Pedagogy focuses on job interviews. These soft skills are just as important as your language skills in building lasting business relationships and can help you develop an awareness of cultural differences that can define how you communicate and how to interpret your words


Document Type: Research Article

Affiliations: English Dept. Union Education Society's Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Solapur

Publication date: April 1, 2023

More about this publication?
  • This is a journal for academic, casual & creative original articles in the field of English & Communication. This journal is special as it caters not only to English but also in the emerging and the most tangible feature of English; Communication skills. The journal also holds the space to grow and accommodate any other facet of English that might be of potential in the future and also plans to reach across to as many authors as possible in the context of countries round the globe.
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