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Open Access CITIES – Centre for IT intelligent energy systems in cities

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The societal objective of CITIES is to establish a realistic and concrete pathway to ultimately achieving independence from fossil fuels by harnessing the latent flexibility of the energy system through intelligence, integration, and planning, focusing on city environments and working towards both 2020 and 2050 European [2,3] and Danish goals [4].

The scientific objective of CITIES is to develop methodologies and ICT solutions for the analysis, operation and development of fully integrated urban energy systems. A holistic research approach will be developed that aims to provide solutions at all levels between the appliance and the total system, and at all time scales between operations and planning.

The educational objective of CITIES is to educate a generation of academics, engineers and entrepreneurs on the value sand necessity of considering the energy system as a whole in a collaborative, integrated context, rather than focusing on a single facet or component.

The commercial perspective of CITIES is to identify and establish solutions which can form the background for commercial opportunities within the smart cities environment, and to support the development of these and other smart cities demonstration projects, including through a range of decision support tools to be developed as a result of our research efforts. Key Outcomes of the CITIES

Operational methods and scenarios for energy systems integration and management, paving scenarios towards a fossil free future.

Component level, modular and aggregate models of energy supply, consumption, and transmission, suitable for simulation, control and optimisation frameworks

Market structures that support energy systems integration

Modular forecasting and control models for a variety of energy system components, including their interactions

Integration of short-term operational models in models for long-term planning.

Models of energy consumption and production accounting for their stochastic and dynamic features.

Methods for controlling energy consumption and demand side management.

CITIES is aiming at being a leading knowledge centre for Smart Cities development and operational tools.

Synergies with existing and new smart cities development projects

Keywords: Demand side management; Energy Informatics; Energy Planning; Energy Systems Integration; Energy forecasting; Energy markets; Fossil-free society; Smart Cities; Smart Grids; Sustainable energy

Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: 01 June 2017

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