The role of translation in environmental protection: an inclusive approach
With environmental factors and issues increasingly becoming sources of risk and even conflict in various parts of the world, there is an increased need to consider the role of linguistic and translation practices involved in environmental protection. Language is becoming more widely
perceived as a tool to manage environmental risk. This article analyses the role translation plays in environmental protection activities by focusing on the translation practices of environmental civil society organisations (CSOs) in North Macedonia. In particular, the case studies focus on
the locations where translations occur and the reasons for it, the recruitment and use of translators by environmental CSOs, as well as the way in which translation or non-translation affects the success of the efforts of environmental CSOs in the country. The analysis is based on interviews
with prominent leaders in the environmental CSO sector in the country, coupled with an examination of open-access data produced by these organisations, including reports, promotion and education materials. The case studies from the Balkans demonstrate the need for inclusivity when developing
linguistic solutions related to environmental degradation and risk discourse by taking into consideration the voices of marginalised groups.
Keywords: North Macedonia; Translation; civil society; crisis; environment
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Publication date: October 2, 2022
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