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What is an Optimal Allocation in Hong Kong Stock, Real Estate, and Money Markets: An Individual Asset, Efficient Frontier Portfolios, or a Naïve Portfolio? Is This a New Financial Anomaly?

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To test for arbitrage opportunities and market efficiency in the Hong Kong money, stock, and real estate markets, we find that the money market stochastically dominates both the stock and real estate markets. Furthermore, the real estate market dominates the stock market, the money market dominates nearly all the efficient frontier portfolios, none of the efficient portfolios dominates the money market, and the money market also dominates the equal-weighting portfolio. This infers that in some cases investors could achieve higher expected ex-ante utility by investing in an individual asset rather than a portfolio. Our conclusions drawn from the pre-COVID-19 period are the same as those drawn from the entire period and the conclusions drawn from the COVID-19 period are the same as those drawn from the entire period except that the money market only stochastically dominates some of the efficient frontier portfolios. Our findings question diversification benefits in the Hong Kong capital market during our sample period, including both the pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 periods.

Keywords: C12; G1; G12; G15; Stochastic dominance; efficient frontier; fund portfolios; risk aversion

Document Type: Research Article

Affiliations: 1: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China 2: Business, Economic and Public Policy Research Centre, Department of Economics and Finance, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, North Point, Hong Kong 3: Chair in Finance and Financial Control, Department of Business, Economics and Information Systems, University of Passau, Passau, Germany 4: Department of Finance, FinTech & Blockchain Research Center, and Big Data Research Center, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan

Publication date: April 9, 2023

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