@article {Zontini:2006:1366-8803:325, title = "ITALIAN FAMILIES AND SOCIAL CAPITAL", journal = "Community, Work & Family", parent_itemid = "infobike://routledg/ccwf", publishercode ="routledg", year = "2006", volume = "9", number = "3", publication date ="2006-08-01T00:00:00", pages = "325-345", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1366-8803", eissn = "1469-3615", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/ccwf/2006/00000009/00000003/art00007", doi = "doi:10.1080/13668800600743636", keyword = "transnational families, social capital, care provision, Italians, gender and generation", author = "Zontini, Elisabetta", abstract = "This paper explores how care provision takes place in families across countries and generations and what are its implications for the individuals and families involved. Drawing on the experiences of women of Italian origin who have migrated at different times, the paper shows that families are complex and fluid entities capable of adapting to different circumstances, such as geographical dispersal and rapid cultural changes. Rather than being in decline, as some social capital theorists seem to suggest, the paper demonstrates that families are resilient units that continue to perform numerous emotional and practical tasks for the individuals who form them. However, even it is argued that families can be seen as a locus of social capital of different forms, the paper also shows how maintaining family connections and fulfilling family obligations both constrains and empowers the individuals involved in them, especially women who tend to do a bigger share of this type of work. Cet article examine la mani{\‘e}re dont les familles se chargent de diverses responsabilit{\’e}s {\‘a} travers les pays et les g{\’e}n{\’e}rations et {\’e}tudie ce qui en r{\’e}sulte pour les individus et les familles. A partir des exp{\’e}riences de femmes italiennes qui ont {\’e}migr{\’e} {\‘a} des {\’e}poques diff{\’e}rentes, l'article d{\’e}montre que la famille est une entit{\’e} fluide et complexe capable de s'adapter {\‘a} des circonstances diff{\’e}rentes telles que la dispersion g{\’e}ographique et les changements culturels rapides. Certains th{\’e}oriciens du capital social soutiennent que la famille est en d{\’e}clin; cet article d{\’e}montre qu'au contraire la famille est une entit{\’e} sociale qui a du ressort et qu'elle continue {\‘a} remplir de multiples t{\^a}ches affectives et pratiques pour les individus qui les constituent. Cet article montre comment le maintien ion des liens et l'ex{\’e}cution des obligations familiales {\‘a} la fois dynamise les individus concern{\’e}s, surtout des femmes, qui ont tendance {\‘a} accomplir une part plus importante de ce travail. familles transnationales, capital social, t{\^a}ches sociales, Italiens, r{\^o}le de la femme et generation", }