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Reviewing and Updating the Documented Historical Reports on School Shootings: New Strategies to Help Save Lives on Campuses

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Gun violence in schools has had a destructive ripple effect in many communities across the United States, invoking activism from both parents and the actual survivors of gun violence. By creating a new and comprehensive archival research database that analyzes 30 years of gun violence that has occurred on U.S. school properties, the current study examines the commonly accepted conclusions about school shootings; the issue of underage and illegal gun access; how schools are being protected on a daily basis; and how communities and law enforcement can join together to develop more customized solutions to disrupt the juvenile/social patterns that actually lead to school gun violence. Keywords: At-risk students, conflict de-escalation, conflict resolution, crime prevention, data collection, school death, emotional mastery, firearms, gun violence, school safety, school shootings.

Keywords: reading instructors

Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: December 15, 2022

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