The Neglected Boys of War: Trapped in a Vicious Cycle of Slavery and Sexual Abuse
At international level, more attention has been paid to conflict-related sexual violence against women and girls than to the issue of sexual violence against men and boys. The 2018 Global Slavery Index ranks Afghanistan among the top 10 countries in the world with the highest prevalence of modern slavery1 This paper examines the phenomenon, a form of sex slavery of young, vulnerable boys in Afghanistan. Bacha Bazi is a grossly underreported and the least prosecuted crime in Afghanistan. This article shows how the protracted armed conflict in Afghanistan has increased the vulnerability of adolescent boys to sex trafficking in the form of Bacha Bazi. The analysis will include the evolution of Bacha Bazi into a systematic war tactic by both parties in the conflict.
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: February 1, 2019
The Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation (JHTE) serves as a forum to discuss and debate the legal and policy issues involving prevention, intervention, investigations, prosecution, individual, state and corporate responsibility, and the actual codified offenses, their application in practice, subsequent judicial interpretation and any ramifications emanating therefrom. As the mass perpetration of trafficking and human exploitation only appears to continue, the need to research, understand and clarify these laws and their use in practice is paramount.
The JTHE is primarily concerned with publishing high quality legal articles and significant case notes from domestic, regional and international jurisdictions. However, this journal will also consider interdisciplinary submissions and book reviews.
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