Hereditary angioedema: Comprehensive management plans and patient support
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare disease. Regardless, patients with HAE have access to multiple state-of-the-art medications available for on-demand use and prevention that reduce the frequency and burden of HAE attacks. These treatments have greatly reduced the burden of disease
and helped patients achieve improved quality of life. However, with greater numbers of therapeutic options, HAE care has become more complex. In this review, we addressed essential elements of an individualized comprehensive management plan for a patient with HAE. We focused on access to an
expert physician, ongoing patient education, access to effective treatment options, coordination of care and management of treatment logistics, ongoing monitoring of attacks and treatments, and other resources for patient support. This plan will need to be communicated with the patient and
other care providers, especially during emergent conditions, and accommodate the patient’s lifestyle with consideration for work, school, travel, etc. Periodically, the physician and the patient will need to review information about attacks, triggers, and treatments to identify areas
for improvement and update the plan.
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: November 1, 2020
- Allergy and Asthma Proceedings is a peer reviewed publication dedicated to distributing timely scientific research regarding advancements in the knowledge and practice of allergy, asthma and immunology. Its primary readership consists of allergists and pulmonologists.
The goal of the Proceedings is to publish articles with a predominantly clinical focus which directly impact quality of care for patients with allergic disease and asthma and by having the potential to directly impact the quality of patient care. AAP welcomes the submission of original works including peer-reviewed original research and clinical trial results. Additionally, as the official journal of the Eastern Allergy Conference (EAC), AAP will publish content from EAC poster sessions as well as review articles derived from EAC lectures.
Featured topics include asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, food allergies, allergic skin diseases, diagnostic techniques, allergens, and treatment modalities. Published material includes peer-reviewed original research, clinical trials and review articles.
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