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Open Access Studies in Papuasian Syzygium (Myrtaceae): 2. The furfuraceous species of subg. Syzygium

This article is Open Access under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND licence.

The furfuraceous species of Syzygium subg. Syzygium in Papuasia are revised. The scurfy, furfuraceous epidermis that is a feature of the inflorescence branches and sometimes also of the hypanthium, the commonly chestnut brown colour of the dried leaves, and the reduced calyx that occurs in many species are characteristic features of the group. Within this subgenus, a new section Furfuraceum is described to accommodate these morphologically recognisable species. Descriptions are provided for each of the 40 species recognised, 28 of which are new. An identification key, distribution maps and an index to numbered exsiccatae are provided.


Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: July 1, 2021

This article was made available online on March 10, 2021 as a Fast Track article with title: "Studies in Papuasian Syzygium (Myrtaceae): 2. The furfuraceous species of subg. Syzygium".

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