Neofomitella polyzonata gen. et sp. nov., and N. fumosipora and N. rhodophaea transferred from Fomitella
Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS, nLSU, and RPB2 sequences revealed that Fomitella in the current sense belonged to two distantly related subclades in the core polyporoid clade. Fomitella in a narrow sense is proposed for the type species, F. supina, and Neofomitella
gen. nov. is proposed for Fomitella fumosipora and F. rhodophaea and a new species N. polyzonata. Neofomitella differs from Fomitella by its distinctly crusted basidiocarps with the cuticle developing from base to margin. Illustrated descriptions of the new
genus and species are provided. The main morphological differences between Fomitella, Neofomitella, and related genera are discussed, and an identification key to Neofomitella is also provided.
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: November 19, 2014
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