Reading the Word and the World: Cognates and the Jane Addams Children’s Book Award: Social Justice for Latino ELLs
English-Spanish cognates are words that are orthographically and semantically identical or similar in English and Spanish as a consequence of their common etymologies. Due to this orthographic and semantic transparency, cognates can be used to teach morphology and spelling generalizations
relating English to Spanish (and the converse) to primary school Latino English language learners (ELLs). The Jane Addams Book Award is given to picture books that promote social justice. The Jane Adams picture books are rich in cognates and can be used to create cognate mini-lessons on morphology
and spelling through picture book read-alouds in the primary grades.
Keywords: Jane Addams Children’s Book Award; Latino English language learners; cognates; elementary school reading; picture books; social justice
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: January 1, 2015
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