Universal Design for Learning: A Student-Centered Curriculum Perspective
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a curriculum framework that is utilized most frequently to meet the needs of students with learning disabilities in the regular education inclusive classroom. The primary goal of UDL is the accessibility of the curriculum for all students. To that
end UDL focuses on differentiating methods of instruction and delivery, activities for practice, and assessment. The literature reviewed indicates that the use of UDL benefits not only students with identified learning disabilities but also the general education population of students. In
addition, UDL is appropriate at all levels of education, from elementary through postsecondary, and the UDL framework can be utilized in the curricula of all subject areas.
Keywords: Curriculum; Differentiation; UDL; Universal Design for Learning
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: November 1, 2017
- Curriculum and Teaching is a bi-annual, refereed, international journal publishing original research. It uses a balanced and comparative perspective to consider curriculum design and development, evaluation, curriculum models, comparative studies in curriculum, innovation and policy, planning, and educational administration.
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