ISSN 1355-8250 (Print)
Publisher: Imprint Academic
How Should We Study Animal Consciousness Scientifically? pp. 8-28(21) Authors: Birch, Jonathan; Broom, Donald M.; Browning, Heather; Crump, Andrew; Ginsburg, Simona; Halina, Marta; Harrison, David; Jablonka, Eva; Lee, Andrew Y.; Kammerer, François; Klein, Colin; Lamme, Victor; Michel, Matthias; Wemelsfelder, Françoise; Zacks, Oryan
The Futures of the Past The Evolution of Imaginative Animals pp. 29-61(33) Authors: Zacks, Oryan; Ginsburg, Simona; Jablonka, Eva
Evolutionary Transition Markers and the Origins of Consciousness pp. 62-77(16) Authors: Halina, Marta; Harrison, David; Klein, Colin
Behavioural and Neural Evidence for Conscious Sensation in Animals : An Inescapable Avenue towards Biopsychism? pp. 78-103(26) Author: Lamme, Victor A.F.
Animal Consciousness: The Interplay of Neural and Behavioural Evidence pp. 104-128(25) Authors: Crump, Andrew; Birch, Jonathan
Concepts and Interrelationships of Awareness, Consciousness, Sentience, and Welfare pp. 129-149(21) Author: Broom, Donald M.
The Measurability of Subjective Animal Welfare pp. 150-179(30) Author: Browning, Heather
Ethics Without Sentience: Facing Up to the Probable Insignificance of Phenomenal Consciousness pp. 180-204(25) Author: Kammerer, François
Speciesism and Sentientism pp. 205-228(24) Author: Lee, Andrew Y.
Could All Life Be Sentient? pp. 229-265(37) Author: Thompson, Evan