Viewpoint: Implementing privacy-enhancing technologies in the time of a pandemic
This paper provides a personal perspective on the implementation of privacyenhancing technologies (PETs) based on almost two decades of work in the field. As we are currently in the midst of a global pandemic, this fact will modify our views on PETs and shed light on some key factors
shaping the use of privacy technology. Ongoing and expected challenges that may inhibit the wide deployment of PETs at this critical time will also be highlighted. The pandemic has illuminated many of the reasons as to why access to health data is crucial from a public health perspective.
Access needs to be, however, provided in a responsible way, even during a crisis, making PETs all the more important as a means by which to facilitate data access while helping to manage the associated privacy risks.
Keywords: data sharing; pandemic; privacy; privacy-enhancing technologies; risk management
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: Senior Scientist, CHEO Research Institute
Publication date: June 1, 2020
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