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Advances in Online Education: A Peer-Reviewed Journal aims to provide a forum for empirical and practical research that advances our understanding of new frontiers in effective, evidence-based practices for online teaching and learning. The journal's target readership includes but is not limited to online educational providers in tertiary education settings, and education practitioners working in management who are involved in the conceptualisation, organisation, and practice of management education.

Guided by a distinguished, international Editorial Board, the Journal publishes case studies, best practice articles, research papers, briefings, reviews and editorials written by leading experts in the following areas: technology enhanced learning in management education, new methods and approaches in online learning, distance learning, new technologies, learning environments, learning spaces, pedagogy, educational psychology, the learning sciences and educational evaluation and assessment.

The Journal particularly welcomes papers highlighting emerging trends in online learning, with a focus on new frontiers in methodological approaches, CSCL (computer supportive collaborative learning) environments and technological innovations in the field of online teaching and learning. Best practice papers can be more descriptive of current practice and need not display in-depth knowledge of previous academic work in the field.

Publisher: Henry Stewart Publications

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