The Possibilities of Intercultural Education in European Society
This paper presents an analysis of theoretical ideas and models
that could serve as the basis of intercultural education in the current
European society. Initially, it presents the importance of interculturalism
for education that is based on research data from
Slovenia. Interculturalism is one of the most important educational
initiatives in addressing the problem of inequality in education.
Further in the text, in the absence of a theoretical basis
of intercultural education, four possible theoretical models are
analysed and described: the global ethic model based on Hans Küng
project of Global Ethic; distance to the Other model based on Slavoj
Žižek’s research on violence; constitutional loyalty model based on
the theory of Jürgen Habermas; and recognition model based on
the theory of recognition.
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Publication date: January 1, 2015
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