Consumo alimentar de atletas: reflexões sobre recomendações nutricionais, hábitos alimentares e métodos para avaliação do gasto e consumo energéticos Athletes' food intake: reflections on nutritional recommendations, food habits and methods for assessing energy expenditure and energy intake
O objetivo do artigo foi efetuar revisão sobre o consumo alimentar de atletas, enfatizando recomendações nutricionais, adequações dietéticas, comportamento alimentar e limitações dos métodos na avaliação dietética e estimativa do gasto energético nesta população. Foram analisados 30 artigos, publicados no período de 1984-2004, selecionados em bases eletrônicas de dados. O critério de inclusão dos artigos foi a abordagem sobre aspectos nutricionais relacionados ao exercício, recomendações de energia e nutrientes, bem como consumo alimentar de atletas. As recomendações de energia, macronutrientes e hidratação para atletas já estão bem determinadas, porém, pouco se conhece sobre as necessidades de vitaminas e minerais. Contudo, existe um consenso de que as necessidades de micronutrientes para a maioria desses indivíduos podem ser atendidas por uma dieta variada e equilibrada. Por outro lado, estudos indicam que a inadequação de energia e nutrientes ainda predomina em vários grupos atléticos, revelando a necessidade da reeducação nutricional. Diversos fatores inerentes à modalidade esportiva, tais como os esquemas de treinamento e as exigências relativas à imagem corporal, podem influenciar os hábitos alimentares do atleta. Portanto, a compreensão das relações entre o padrão de alimentação de atletas e os diversos fatores relacionados ao esporte são aspectos fundamentais para o estabelecimento de orientações nutricionais. A ocorrência de erros sistemáticos em pesquisas com atletas que empregam métodos que utilizam o auto-relato, ressalta a importância do rigor metodológico na aplicação desses instrumentos.
The purpose of this paper was to review the bibliography on athletes' food intake, emphasizing nutritional recommendations, dietary propriety and behavior, limitations of the methods for assessing food intake and estimated energy expenditure in this population. Thirty articles were analyzed, published from 1984 to 2004, selected from electronic databases. Articles that discussed nutritional aspects associated with exercise and those that made recommendations regarding energy, nutrient or food intake were included. Determinations for energy, macronutrient and liquid intake for athletes are already well established but little is known about their need of vitamins and minerals. However, there is a consensus that the micronutrient requirements for most of these individuals can be met by a varied and balanced diet. On the other hand, studies show that unbalanced energy and nutrient intakes still prevail among many athletic groups, revealing the need for dietary education. Many factors related to the type of sport such as training schemes and body image requirements may influence the athletes' dietary habits. Therefore, understanding the relationship between the athletes' eating patterns and the various patterns associated with the sport in question is essential to establish specific nutritional guidance. The occurrence of systematic errors in researches involving athletes that employ methods that rely on self reports emphasizes the importance of following a strict methodology when using these instruments.
The purpose of this paper was to review the bibliography on athletes' food intake, emphasizing nutritional recommendations, dietary propriety and behavior, limitations of the methods for assessing food intake and estimated energy expenditure in this population. Thirty articles were analyzed, published from 1984 to 2004, selected from electronic databases. Articles that discussed nutritional aspects associated with exercise and those that made recommendations regarding energy, nutrient or food intake were included. Determinations for energy, macronutrient and liquid intake for athletes are already well established but little is known about their need of vitamins and minerals. However, there is a consensus that the micronutrient requirements for most of these individuals can be met by a varied and balanced diet. On the other hand, studies show that unbalanced energy and nutrient intakes still prevail among many athletic groups, revealing the need for dietary education. Many factors related to the type of sport such as training schemes and body image requirements may influence the athletes' dietary habits. Therefore, understanding the relationship between the athletes' eating patterns and the various patterns associated with the sport in question is essential to establish specific nutritional guidance. The occurrence of systematic errors in researches involving athletes that employ methods that rely on self reports emphasizes the importance of following a strict methodology when using these instruments.
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: January 1, 2007
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