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Open Access Alteração de sabor e aroma em tomates causada por impacto Flavor alteration in tomato fruits due to internal bruising

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Tomates (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), 'Solar Set' e 'Agriset-743', foram colhidos no estádio verde-maduro (100% da superfície com coloração verde) e tratados com 100 miL L-1 de etileno gasoso a 20°C. Quando atingiram o estádio verde-rosado (menos do que 10% da superfície do fruto possui coloração vermelha ou amarelo-esverdeada), os frutos foram divididos em dois lotes. Um lote sofreu quedas de 40 cm de altura sobre uma superfície plana, rígida e lisa. Os frutos deste lote foram armazenados com os frutos-controle (que não sofreram dano mecânico) a 20°C e 85-95% de umidade relativa. No estádio vermelho, os frutos inteiros foram homogeneizados e um teste de análise sensorial foi imediatamente conduzido. Os painelistas foram capazes de distinguir entre frutos com desordem fisiológica causada por impacto e frutos não-injuriados, indicando que esta injúria alterou de maneira significativa o sabor e o aroma dos tomates analisados.&60;br&62;Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruits, 'Solar Set' and 'Agriset -- 743', were harvested at the mature-green stage of development and treated with 100 muL L-1 ethylene at 20°C. At the breaker stage, fruits were dropped from 40 cm height to induce internal bruising and stored along with undropped fruits at 20°C and 85-95% RH. At the table-ripe stage, whole fruits were chopped in a food processor and a sensory analysis test was immediately performed. The experimental design employed was a completely randomized blocks scheme arranged with 22 panelists (blocks), 3 treatments (unbruised sample&59; bruised sample 1 and bruised sample 2) and 4 replicates (ten fruits each). Data were subjected to analysis of variance and differences among treatments were determined by the F test (P&61; 0.05). Panelists were able to distinguish between bruised and unbruised fruits which indicated that internal bruising caused by impact altered tomato flavor.

Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: January 1, 2000

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