@article {Stumpner:1971:1610-1928:1, title = "The Relative Evaluation of the Annoyance of Experimental Stochastic Noises", journal = "Acta Acustica united with Acustica", parent_itemid = "infobike://dav/aaua", publishercode ="dav", year = "1971", volume = "24", number = "1", publication date ="1971-01-01T00:00:00", pages = "1-16", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1610-1928", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/dav/aaua/1971/00000024/00000001/art00003", author = "Stumpner, G. and Urbanek, G. and Wehrmann, W.", abstract = "In order to obtain eventual sensations of annoyance in connection with statistical sound phenomena relative measurements were carried out with a new class of experimental stochastic sounds. The parameters of these sounds are multilaterally variable and also allow combination with periodic signals. For comparative measurement one has employed as a first sound reference binary processes B(fr ) (resembling noise) at different frequencies of measurement and secondly, noise signals, which have the same power spectrum as the reference binary signals. The level difference, L B(f T) or L R(f T), of reference was ascertained, and used as the relative annoyance component of a test signal, which was obtained as the difference between an equalization of the same irritability and volume.The results showed increasing annoyance with increased impulsivity of test-sounds (impulse annoyance) and the same with increased periodic character of the rectangular signal (sound annoyance) by which in both cases, according to the timed frequency maximum values of about 5 to 7 dB were obtained. The comparison of impulse annoyance is consistent with known literature whereas a similar comparison of sound annoyance, obtainod here, is not possible due to lack of relevant research by other authors.", }