The Underlying Regulated Mechanisms of Adipose Differentiation and Apoptosis of Breast Cells after Weaning
Numerous experimental studies have demonstrated that a series of remodeling processes occurred in the adipose tissue during the weaning, such as differentiation. Fibroblasts in the breast at weaning stage could re-differentiate into mature adipocytes. Many transcriptional factors were
involved in these processes, especially the PPARγ, C/EBP, and SREBP1. There is cell apoptosis participating in the breast tissue degeneration and secretory epithelial cells loss during weaning. In addition, hormones, especially the estrogen and pituitary hormone, play a vital role in
the whole reproductive processes. In this review, we mainly focus on the underlying regulated mechanisms of differentiation of adipose tissue and apoptosis of breast cell to provide a specific insight into the physiological changes during weaning.
Keywords: ADD1/SREBP1; Adipose tissue; C/EBP; adipose differentiation; after weaning; mammary gland
Document Type: Review Article
Publication date: July 1, 2019
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