The Role of Beverage Congeners in Hangover and Other Residual Effects of Alcohol Intoxication: A Review
Keywords: Acetaldehydes; Acetones; After effects; Ageing processes; Alcohol; Alcohol beverages; Alcohol-induced vomiting; Amides; Amines; Anxiety; Ataxia; Blood alcohol concentration; Bourbon; Congeners; Depression; Diarrhea; Dizzy; Esters; Ethanol; Faint; Fermenting; Furfural; Fusel oil; Gastro-intestinal distress; Hangover; Hangover symptoms; Heavy drinking; Histamines; Intoxication; Loss of appetite; Methanol; Nausea; Neurocognitive; Performance; Placebo; Polyphenols; Sleep (polysomnography); Stomach ache; Tannins; Thirst, headache; Tremor; Whiskeys; after effects; alcohol; congeners; intoxication; performance; vodka
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: June 1, 2010
Current Drug Abuse Reviews aims to publish the highest quality reviews, meta-analyses and drug clinical trial studies on all latest advances on alcohol and drug abuse and addiction.
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