Another Recently Recognized Monotypic Genus Is No Longer Monotypic: A Second Species of Pachycaulos (Gesneriaceae) from the Huancabamba Depression in Northern Peru
A new species is described from the Huancabamba Pass, a relict montane forest in northwest Peru, near the southwestern border of Ecuador. Pachycaulos huancabambae J.L.Clark & Moonlight is a terrestrial or lithophytic herb with scandent stems that grows in dense mats of bryophytes. This is the second species of Pachycaulos and renders that taxon as non-monotypic. We discuss several other genera of Gesneriaceae that are also no longer monotypic because of recent exploratory research in tropical forests and increased taxon sampling from ongoing phylogenetic studies. A molecular phylogenetic analysis based on nrDNA ITS is presented that strongly supports the monophyly and sister-group relationship of P. huancabambae and P. nummularia. Based on IUCN guidelines, a preliminary conservation status is assigned as Critically Endangered (CR).
A new species is described from the Huancabamba Pass, a relict montane forest in northwest Peru, near the southwestern border of Ecuador. Pachycaulos huancabambae J.L.Clark & Moonlight is a terrestrial or lithophytic herb with scandent stems that grows in dense mats of bryophytes. This is the second species of Pachycaulos and renders that taxon as non-monotypic. We discuss several other genera of Gesneriaceae that are also no longer monotypic because of recent exploratory research in tropical forests and increased taxon sampling from ongoing phylogenetic studies. A molecular phylogenetic analysis based on nrDNA ITS is presented that strongly supports the monophyly and sister-group relationship of P. huancabambae and P. nummularia. Based on IUCN guidelines, a preliminary conservation status is assigned as Critically Endangered (CR).
Keywords: Andes; Columneinae; Gesnerieae; biodiversity; taxonomy
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: 1: 1Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota, Florida, USA 2: 4Department of Biology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA 3: 3Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK;, Email: [email protected]
Publication date: October 23, 2023
- Systematic Botany is the scientific journal of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and publishes four issues per year.
2011 Impact Factor: 1.517
2011 ISI Journal Citation Reports® Rankings: 87/190 - Plant Sciences
34/45 - Evolutionary Biology - Editorial Board
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