Nanomaterials to Fight Cancer: An Overview on Their Multifunctional Exploitability
In recent years the worldwide research community has highlighted innumerable benefits of nanomaterials in cancer detection and therapy. Nevertheless, the development of cancer nanomedicines and other bionanotechnology requires a huge amount of considerations about the interactions of
nanomaterials and biological systems, since long-term effects are not yet fully known. Open issues remain the determination of the nanoparticles distributions patterns and the internalization rate into the tumor while avoiding their accumulation in internal organs or other healthy tissues.
The purpose of this work is to provide a standard overview of the most recent advances in nanomaterials to fight cancer and to collect trends and future directions to follow according to some critical aspects still present in this field. Complementary to the very recent review of Wolfram and
Ferrari which discusses and classifies successful clinically-approved cancer nanodrugs as well as promising candidates in the pipeline, this work embraces part of their proposed classification system based on the exploitation of multifunctionality and extends the review to peer-reviewed journal
articles published in the last 3 years identified through international databases.
Keywords: Biodistribution; Cancer; Drug Solubilization; In Vivo; Multifunction Exploitability; Nanomaterials; Nanomedicine; Nanoparticles; Nanotechnology; Targeted Drug Delivery; Theranostics
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET), Politecnico di Torino, 10129, Italy
Publication date: May 1, 2021
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