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Electrical and Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Vertically Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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Microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (MPECVD) was used for the production of carbon nanotubes. Vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were grown on silicon substrates coated with cobalt thin films of thickness ranging from 0.5 nm to 3 nm. Prior to the nanotube growth the catalyst were treated with N2 plasma for 5–10 minutes that break the films into small nanoparticles which favour the growth of nanotubes. The CNTs were grown at a substrate temperature of 700 °C for 5, 10 and 15 minutes. The height of the CNT films ranging from 10 μm–30 μm indicating that the initial growth rate of the CNTs are very high at a rate of approximately 100 nm/sec. Electrical resistivity of the above samples was evaluated from IV measurements. The activation energy (E a) was also calculated from the temperature dependent studies and it was found that the E a lies in the range of 15–35 meV. Raman spectroscopy was used to identify the quality of the nanotubes.


Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: July 1, 2009

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