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Practical Effect of Cervical Softening Decoction Combined with Delivery Ball Approach in Promoting Vaginal Delivery in Primiparous Women

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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cervical Softening Decoction is derived from a modified “Wan Bing Hui Chun” formulation and consists of natural herbal ingredients such as Angelica sinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Leonurus heterophyllus, and Cortex Daphnes. The decoction regulates Qi, promotes blood circulation, and facilitates fetus descent. Genkwanin is an active compound in L. heterophyllus and previous studies identified this compound in ethanolic extracts from rat uterine smooth muscle cell membrane fractions. To further understand the pharmacological activities of Cervical Softening Decoction, we examined genkwanin effects on isolated rat uterine contractions and protein expression in rat tissue with postpartum hemorrhage complicated by multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). We also explored the practical effects of Cervical Softening Decoction combined with a birthing ball approach on promoting natural delivery in primiparous women. First, an isolated rat uterine smooth muscle contraction model was generated and three groups established: oxytocin group (0.002 U/mL), conventional genkwanin dose group (3 μg/mL), and high genkwanin dose group (6.0 μg/mL). Changes in uterine smooth muscle contraction and relaxation amplitudes were recorded before and after administration. Second, 50 rats were used to establish the following groups: (1) control group, (2) postpartum hemorrhage with MODS model group (MODS group), and (3) a postpartum hemorrhage with MODS treated with genkwanin group (genkwanin group). Western blotting was used to detect and compare tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-6 protein expression levels in lung tissue from groups. Finally, 84 primiparous women admitted to our hospital between January 2020 and December 2021 were selected and divided into two groups based on their obstetric interventions. The control group (n = 42) received routine obstetric intervention, while the observation group (n = 42) received Cervical Softening Decoction and delivery ball interventions. Delivery conditions were compared across groups. In basic studies, genkwanin doses significantly increased contraction and relaxation values in isolated rat uterine smooth muscle (P <0.05). Moreover, the genkwanin contractile effects at conventional and high doses were comparable with oxytocin. TNF-α and IL-6 protein expression in MODS group lung tissue was significantly higher when compared with the control group, while expression in the genkwanin group was significantly reduced when compared with the MODS group (P <0.05). In clinical studies, the observation group showed significantly higher natural delivery rates and Labor Agentry Scale (LAS) scores when compared with the control group. In contrast, cesarean section rates, first and second stage labor duration, total labor duration, and Facial Pain Scale (FPS) scores were significantly lower in the observation group when compared with the control group (P <0.05). In basic studies, genkwanin elicited significant contraction effects on isolated rat uterine smooth muscle and effectively inhibited inflammatory responses in rats with postpartum hemorrhage complicated by MODS. In clinical studies, combined Cervical Softening Decoction and delivery ball generated promising practical effects in promoting vaginal delivery in primiparous women. The intervention significantly increased the probability of a natural delivery, shortened labor duration, relieved maternal pain, and enhanced maternal control during delivery.

Keywords: Cervical Softening Decoction; Delivery Ball; Genkwanin; Practical Effects; Primiparous Women; Vaginal Delivery

Document Type: Research Article

Affiliations: 1: Delivery Room of People’s Hospital of Lujiang County, People’s Hospital of Lujiang County, Lujiang, 231500, Anhui, PR China 2: Department of Obstetric, People’s Hospital of Lujiang County, Lujiang, 231500, Anhui, PR China

Publication date: December 1, 2023

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