Antihypertensive Drug Interaction Analysis in Outpatient Patients at Pasar Minggu Regional Public Hospital in Period of July–December 2016
Hypertensive patients who use drugs combination therapy in their treatment can cause drug interactions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the interaction of antihypertensive drugs in hypertensive patients. This study was a chart review study conducted at Pasar Minggu regional
public hospital, Indonesia. The study design was cross sectional and descriptive. The data used was secondary data from hypertensive outpatient prescription. Data were taken with a retrospective method in the period July–December 2016. Sampling technique using proportionate stratified
systematic random sampling. Analysis and identification of drug interactions using Micromedex® Solution 2017 Software (Truven Health Analytics) and literature studies. 240 (49.1%) out of 489 prescriptions experience drug interactions. The most common type of drug interactions
was antihypertensive with antidiabetic, which was 67 cases (26.8%). There were 140 cases (56%) with moderate drug interaction severity and 110 cases (44%) with major drug interaction severity. The prevalence of antihypertensive drug interaction occurrence at Pasar Minggu regional public hospital
was 49.1%.
Keywords: Antihypertensive; Drug Interaction; Hypertension
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Publication date: September 1, 2018
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