@article {On:2018:1936-6612:4798, title = "The Healing Ritual Context of the Magunatip Dance of the Murut in Sabah, Malaysia", journal = "Advanced Science Letters", parent_itemid = "infobike://asp/asl", publishercode ="asp", year = "2018", volume = "24", number = "7", publication date ="2018-07-01T00:00:00", pages = "4798-4801", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1936-6612", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/asl/2018/00000024/00000007/art00011", doi = "doi:10.1166/asl.2018.11203", keyword = "Healing Ritual, Legends, Ritual Context, Murut, Magunatip Dance", author = "On, Low Kok and Magi, Suhaimi and Hussin, Supyan and Shafii, A. S. Hardy and Bakhir, Norfarizah Mohd", abstract = " Magunatip is one of the most popular traditional dances among the Murut ethnic community in the Interior districts of Sabah, Malaysia. Once performed in healing rituals, the modern-day Magunatip is mainly performed during celebrations such as bride wealth exchange ceremonies, weddings, and harvest festivals. Based on oral sources, Magunatip is believed to have evolved either from a folk game played during paddy pounding sessions or a ritual invoked during healing ceremonies. This paper presents an investigation on the healing ritual context of Magunatip as told in the form of legends by elderly Murut informants. By analysing the healing ritual context of Magunatip, the significance of the dance in relation to the culture and traditional beliefs of the Murut community could be ascertained.", }