@article {Vermol:2017:1936-6612:10815, title = "Designer Activity Experience: Blind User-Designer Activity Model in Knowing Product Influence Through Blind User Perspective", journal = "Advanced Science Letters", parent_itemid = "infobike://asp/asl", publishercode ="asp", year = "2017", volume = "23", number = "11", publication date ="2017-11-01T00:00:00", pages = "10815-10821", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1936-6612", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/asl/2017/00000023/00000011/art00077", doi = "doi:10.1166/asl.2017.10160", keyword = "Design Audit, Design Experience, Design Association, Blind User, Design Factors, Designer", author = "Vermol, Verly Veto and Abidin, Shahriman Zainal and Anwar, Rusmadiah and Hassan, Oskar Hasdinor", abstract = "Blind User-Designer is a procedural representation of blind users and designers experiences association that provides product design knowledge enhancement for development. It is also an activity of designing through awareness for the purpose of accommodating blind users product performance needs that primarily embodied in the design. In the process of determining product design effectiveness, blind users primarily rely specifically on their Physio-Pleasure, which is through hand touch. Despite of the fact that there are numerous reviews on knowing how product was being investigated to have been affecting and influencing users behavior through touch modalities; thus the discussions that associates designer reflection to the design activity from the point of blind user condition state through product performances is unknown. This examination investigates the importance of what lies underneath blind vision condition state in reflection to the advancement of design preferences for the blind users. The critical outcomes from this review give an imperative layout in organizing the procedural activities of stimulating designers awareness prior to the process of understanding difficulties emerge when product in use through the blind users perspective. This study is a critical topic to be highlight as it reveals the reality encounters by blind users towards tangible product designed by the designers. It is an important discussion to revise back through designers point of view and experience particularly with regards reflection towards blind users, does designers gage a similar knowledge perceived to what have been elicited by the blind users? This study evokes the critical association of blind user-designer factoring towards products in a systematic way.", }