Accessing articles
Online subscription activation
To activate a subscription you need the subscription number supplied by the publisher. This number can be found on mailing labels or invoices. Please contact the publisher if you are unsure of your subscription number.
Once you have registered you can request access by signing in at with your personal username and password and choosing "My Profile" and then 'View current subscriptions'. Locate the title to enable on the 'Add' tab and mark the check box beside it. Supply your subscription reference and submit the request. The publisher will verify the request and you will receive a confirmation by email when this has been done.
As you browse around Ingenta Connect you may notice that some articles have an S next to them. This means that either you, or the institution you are accessing from, has a subscription to the article. Free articles are also labeled.
You can purchase articles using a credit card, debit card or institutional deposit account, if your organisation has one. Please contact your administrator to check if you have access to an institutional deposit account.
Most articles are available for purchase. On the abstract page you will be presented with a price and given the option to add the article to the shopping cart. When you have all your required articles in the cart, proceed to the checkout and pay with your credit card, debit card or payment account.
Article royalty fees are set by the individual publisher, together with an Ingenta Connect delivery charge. These elements are itemized in the shopping cart and the receipt.
Ingenta Connect accepts all major credit cards, debit cards and PayPal.
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