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Branding opportunities: Ingenta Connect Unity

You want to create a unique platform for your publications, one that allows you to maintain full control of the website and its content, gives you the flexibility to package and sell your content as you require, and is fully branded in a way that your readers will recognize.

The Ingenta Connect Unity solution gives you the freedom to create your own online presence, while at the same time integrating your content with the extensive functionality of Ingenta Connect. Unity complements Ingenta Connect’s production, hosting and delivery services by providing an entirely publisher-branded view onto Ingenta Connect-hosted content, thus presenting you with a value-for-money publications website which precisely replicates your own brand, and enables seamless full text access and searching within your own environment. The service includes popular end-user features such as RSS feeds, branded email alerting, various e-commerce options and marked lists. The site is also fully Google indexed and where end users will land when searching via DOI.

Click here for more information on the Ingenta Connect Unity solution.

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