Ingenta Connect Help
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Please check the list of Frequently Asked Questions below to see if the answer to your query is provided. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the FAQs please contact us.
See our search FAQs for more details about our new search engine
What is Ingenta Connect?
Do I need to subscribe to the Ingenta Connect service?
Are there restrictions on what I can use to register?
Can you help me find articles for my research?
How do I publish an article on Ingenta Connect?
How do I place an advertisement in an Ingenta Connect publication?
How do I place an advertisement on the Ingenta Connect website?
Copyright & licensing
I am the author/publisher/copyright holder. Why is my article available for sale on your website?
How do I obtain permission to reprint articles or images on Ingenta Connect?
Am I allowed to share Ingenta Connect articles or email alerts?
Finding Content
Where is the most recent issue of this journal?
How do I search for an article?
How are the search results ordered?
How do I find the journal or book I'm looking for on Ingenta Connect?
How do I find articles by a particular author?
Do you support Boolean searching?
How do I search the fulltext?
I have a citation from a journal, how do I find this specific article?
Can I save searches?
Can I get access to any articles for free?
What browsing options are supported?
What subject classification do you use?
Accessing Content
How do I download an electronic article?
I can't see a PDF download link. Why not?
Why is my article taking such a long time to download?
My PDF won't display, what should I do?
How do I access the PDF I just purchased?
I am the author. How do I access my article and/or obtain offprints?
How do I obtain usage statistics for my organization?
Does Ingenta Connect support SUSHI?
Is Ingenta Connect Shibboleth compliant?
How do I enable Shibboleth access for my organization?
How do I become an Ingenta Connect Library Member?
Which federations do you support?
What is CASA?
Purchasing content
Can I purchase individual articles?
How do I purchase an article?
What payment options are available?
What costs are involved with a deposit account?
Why is there a delivery fee?
I don't use credit cards and I am not affiliated with any institutions. How can I pay for an article?
Can I purchase an entire issue?
How do I subscribe to a journal on Ingenta Connect?
How can I obtain permission for re-use?
How can I obtain review or sample copies of journals on Ingenta Connect?
Can I purchase multiple articles in one transaction?
What is your commitment to accessibility?
The font size on Ingenta Connect is too small, how do I make it easier to read?
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
Which browsers do you support?
I can't see some of the images around the site. Why not?
Which version of Adobe Acrobat should I be using to view PDFs?
How do I report a problem with your website?
What is Ingenta Connect?
Ingenta Connect is a website that hosts scholarly books and journals from a range of different publishers. Millions of articles, chapters and reports are available for you to search across, and access to fulltext is available by pay-per-view or by subscription to individual publications.
Do I need to subscribe to the Ingenta Connect service?
No, anyone can search and browse Ingenta Connect for free.
Can you help me find articles for my research?
No, we are not a research service and cannot look for articles for you, or respond to enquiries on general research issues. Ask for help at your library reference desk, or use our search facility to find articles you need.
Are there restrictions on what I can use to register?
An email address can only be present on the service associated with a single personal profile so if you have already registered with a given email address you will be prevented from registering with it again.
Usernames should also be unique on the system. If you try to use a username which has already been taken, try to make it unique. For example, add some digits.
Usernames and passwords should only contain alphanumeric characters. Please avoid using extended characters such as ampersand (&), percent (%) etc.
How do I publish an article on Ingenta Connect?
Ingenta Connect hosts content from a wide variety of publishers but we are not a publishing house. You will need to get your article accepted by a publisher for inclusion in one of their titles, in order for it to appear on Ingenta Connect. A link to the publisher's website is included on each publisher's homepage on Ingenta Connect. You can view a full list of publishers, and access their Ingenta Connect homepages, here. Please contact the appropriate publisher, via their website, if you would like to have an article accepted for publication.
How do I place an advertisement in an Ingenta Connect publication?
To place an advertisement within an Ingenta Connect publication, you will need to contact the publisher of the book or journal directly. Links to publishers' websites can be found on the publication homepage of each book or journal. You can view a full list of publishers, and access their Ingenta Connect homepages, here. Please contact the appropriate publisher, via their website, if you would like to place an advertisement in an Ingenta Connect publication.
How do I place an advertisement on the Ingenta Connect website?
For details of online advertising opportunities on Ingenta Connect please contact us at [email protected]
I am the author/publisher/copyright holder. Why is my article available for sale on your website?
Articles for which electronic fulltext is available from Ingenta Connect are made available to Ingenta Connect's users under arrangements between Ingenta and the publishing company. To the best of Ingenta's knowledge, the publishers whose content is available on Ingenta Connect have secured all necessary rights to make these documents available to Ingenta Connect's users. All copyright matters for journals hosted on Ingenta Connect are handled by the respective publishers. A link to the publisher's website is included on each publisher, journal and article homepage on Ingenta Connect. Please contact the publisher directly with article copyright queries for electronic content.
How do I obtain permission to reprint articles or images on Ingenta Connect?
To obtain permission to reprint articles or images from content hosted on Ingenta Connect, you will need to contact the publisher of the book or journal directly. Links to publishers' websites can be found on the publication homepage of each book or journal. You can view a full list of publishers, and access their Ingenta Connect homepages, here. Please contact the appropriate publisher, via their website, if you would like to obtain reprint or copyright permissions.
Am I allowed to share Ingenta Connect articles or email alerts?
Generally, no. Only content which is freely available or Open Access (indicated with the icons or
) may be shared. Your use of articles under the terms of a subscription (indicated with this icon
) or temporary trial (indicated with this icon
) is restricted by your agreement with the publisher and may not be shared. Your use of articles purchased directly from Ingenta Connect is governed by copyright law, which prohibits unauthorized copying, distribution, public display, public performance, and preparation of derivative works.
In addition, you may not redistribute email alerts received via Ingenta Connect's Alerting service, unless you have specifically negotiated a redistribution licence with us.
Where is the most recent issue of this journal?
Journal issues are supplied to Ingenta Connect by publishers or their typesetters, and we are only able to display issues once they have been supplied to us. We work closely with our publisher partners to ensure Ingenta Connect is as up-to-date as possible with the latest research. Most publishers supply issues to us in good time, but in some cases supply of content can be delayed by the publisher's production processes, which are unfortunately beyond our control. If an issue you are expecting to see is not visible, please contact the relevant publisher directly for an anticipated online publication date. A link to the publisher's website is included on each publisher, journal and article homepage on Ingenta Connect.
How do I search for an article?
You can use the quick search box at the top. Keywords entered in this box will search article titles, keywords and abstracts by default. You can also use the adjacent dropdown to toggle whether you want to search for article titles, publication titles or author names. The quick search does not search the fulltext of the content, this can be searched using the advanced search.
Alternatively, you can use the advanced search page, which is also linked to from the top of the site. The advanced search offers individual fields for searching by keyword, for an author of for a publication title, ISSN/ISBN/DOI and for a specific volume and issue. Within advanced search you can choose whether to search within article title, keywords or abstracts, in article titles, or in article fulltext. You can control how the results are sorted - the default is by relevance but you can also sort them by newest or oldest first. Once the search results are displayed you can toggle how many results are displayed and how they are sorted (e.g. by relevance or by date). There are also options to modify your search terms.
How are the search results ordered?
The search results are ordered by relevance. You can re-order the results by newest first or oldest first from the search results page. Alternatively you can specify the ordering from the advanced search page.
How do I find the journal or book I'm looking for on Ingenta Connect?
Entering a word or words into the search box and selecting Publication title from the dropdown will allow you to search the titles of the publications only, not the articles within the publications.
How do I find articles by a particular author?
If you are using quick search enter the author name and then use the adjacent dropdown to toggle to search by author. If you are using advanced search just enter the author name in the author field. When dealing with common names it is advisable to combine this search with another term, such as a word from the article title or publication name.
Do you support Boolean searching?
Yes, you can use Boolean search terms (AND, OR, NOT) in both quick search and advanced search.
How do I search the fulltext?
The default search is within article titles, keywords or abstracts. You can search within the fulltext using the advanced search. Enter your terms in the Search for box and select the article fulltext radio button. The quick search does not search the fulltext of the content.
I have a citation from a journal, how do I find this specific article?
* Enter the known words from the title into the Search for box and select the article title only radio button
* Enter the surname of the first author (if known) into the author box
* Enter the publication name and specify the volume and issue
Alternatively if you know the DOI enter the DOI into the publication box and select the ISSN/ISBN/DOI radio button
Can I save searches?
Yes. Personal users can save searches from the search history page within the "My Profile" area.
Can I get access to any articles for free?
Articles that are freely available are indicated with a icon or a
icon for Open Access content. All other articles are available either by subscription to the journal or book, or by purchasing individual articles using a credit or debit card. Articles to which you or your institution have a subscription are indicated with a
icon which entitles you to view the full text without additional payment.
What browsing options are supported?
You can browse the content on Ingenta Connect alphabetically by publication title or publisher, or by subject area. When browsing alphabetically by title you can limit the content to subscribed material only, or subscribed and freely available content.
What subject classification do you use?
Our journals are classified according to Library of Congress (LC) subject headings. The classifications displayed have been slightly simplified to help make the browsing and classification clearer.
How do I download an electronic article?
Once you have found an article you wish to read you can download it in one of two ways: if the article is free, or available via a subscription held by you or your institution, then PDF download links will be displayed under the article abstract (articles are generally available as PDFs, but some content is also available as HTML in which case you will see two download options). For pay-per-view content you must first add the article to the shopping cart and pay for it. At the end of the ecommerce process you will be presented with similar PDF and/or HTML links.
I can't see a PDF download link. Why not?
You may not be entitled to view the article. If, however, the article is free, or you are entitled to view it either by an active subscription or following a pay-per-view purchase, then it could be because of your browser settings. If you are using Firefox and are running the Adblock extension, please ensure that you are not blocking content from*. Cloudflare hosts the images which render the buttons on our site, and if you have blocked this domain, then download buttons (and several other images on the Ingenta Connect site) will not be visible to you. If this does not appear to be the problem, please contact us.
Why is my article taking such a long time to download?
At busy times we have a large number of users on the site and this may occasionally mean that download times are slightly slower. If your download is extremely slow, then please retry later. In many cases the size of the download is indicated right next to the PDF (or HTML) download button on the site. Be aware that some PDFs, particularly those incorporating high-resolution graphics, can be quite large so may take a while to download from our servers. If you have persistent problems with downloading a large PDF article, then please contact us.
My PDF won't display, what should I do?
Firstly confirm that you're using a recent version of the Adobe Reader software, which is freely available from the Adobe site. We recommend using the latest version or its preceding iteration as some PDFs will only display correctly in more recent versions of this software. If, after upgrading your PDF viewer, you are still having problems displaying a PDF article, then please contact us.
How do I access the PDF I just purchased?
At the end of the shopping cart process you will be presented with a download link from which you can obtain the article. Alternatively, when signed in as a personal user click on "track orders" (under My Profile in the right-hand navigation options). You'll then be able to see a list of your recent orders. Click on the relevant order number to be presented with an order summary and download links. Electronic articles are available to download from the site for 48 hours after purchase.
I am the author. How do I access my article and/or obtain offprints?
To enable access to your article, or to obtain offprints, you will need to contact the publisher of the book or journal directly. Links to publishers' websites can be found on the publication homepage of each book or journal. You can view a full list of publishers, and access their Ingenta Connect homepages, here. Please contact the appropriate publisher, via their website, if you are an author wishing to access your article.
How do I obtain usage statistics for my organization?
Free COUNTER-compliant usage statistics are available for institutional subscribers. Please log in to Ingenta Connect with your administrator username and password and click on "COUNTER-compliant statistics" under the "Collection" menu.
Does Ingenta Connect support SUSHI?
Yes, SUSHI is supported as part of our support for COUNTER. To enable SUSHI reports for your institution login as the administrator and click on the "Enable COUNTER SUSHI reports" link from the "COUNTER-compliant statistics" under the "Collection" menu. You will then be provided with a Requestor ID and Customer ID. Check the COUNTER 4 or COUNTER 5 usage report pages in the Administrator area for details of requesting the SUSHI report.
For more information about SUSHI please visit
Is Ingenta Connect Shibboleth compliant?
Ingenta Connect supports access via Shibboleth (versions 1.3 and 2) for members of the UK Federation.
How do I enable Shibboleth for my organization?
To enable Shibboleth access for your organization you need to sign in to the administrator area and use the option "Authentication - manage your OpenAthens or Shibboleth details"
Which federations do you support?
Currently Ingenta Connect only supports Shibboleth access for members of the UK Federation. Other federations will be supported as we see demand for them.
What is CASA?
Ingenta Connect is integrated with Google’s CASA (Campus Activated Subscriber Access) service. CASA is a service developed by Google which lets researchers access full text PDFs from journals to which their institution has subscribed, even when they are working at home and not using a university IP address.
If a user is connected to their university’s on-campus network and visits Google Scholar, Google will automatically create an affiliation between that user and their school. This affiliation creates a seamless authentication flow between Google Scholar and Ingenta Connect enabling them to access content off-campus. This affiliation will last up to 30 days and will enable the user to access their institutions content without logging into third-party websites.
How do I become an Ingenta Connect Library Member?
Membership is open to any academic, public or corporate library. Please read this for further information.
Can I purchase individual articles?
Yes. The majority of our publishers allow pay-per-view of individual articles. If you don't have a personal or institutional subscription in most cases you can purchase individual articles for your research. The price of the article will be displayed below the abstract.
How do I purchase an article?
If you do not have subscription access to an article you will be presented with a price and an "add to cart" link. Click this link to add the article to your shopping cart. You'll be asked to sign-in or register before you can add items to the cart. You can pay using a credit card, or an institutional payment account.
What payment options are available?
Articles can be purchased using a personal credit or debit card or an institutional deposit account. We accept the following credit cards: Amex, Maestro UK (Switch), MasterCard, Visa. Please note that we are unable to accept Maestro International cards. PayPal is also supported.
What costs are involved with a deposit account?
An annual maintenance charge is applied to deposit accounts at October 1st each year. This is $100 for basic deposit accounts and $250 for advanced deposit accounts.
Deposit accounts may be subject to an audit fee if the account has no usage for 12 months. The audit fee is 10% of the current balance or $100, whichever is greater.
There will be a $100 closure fee for any deposit account that is closed resulting in a refund.
Why is there a delivery fee?
The delivery fee, itemized beneath the article fee in the shopping cart, defrays the cost of the card processing fees charged to us by credit card suppliers. It also contributes to supporting our e-commerce infrastructure, our ability to provide free search and browse, and our provision of global customer service.
I don't use credit cards and I am not affiliated with any institutions. How can I pay for an article?
We only accept credit/debit card payments or payments made with an institution deposit account.
Can I purchase an entire issue?
Yes, in some cases where the publisher has allowed issue purchasing, you will see the option to purchase the entire issue rather than each individual article. This option does not apply to all of the publications on Ingenta Connect.
How do I subscribe to a journal on Ingenta Connect?
To subscribe to a journal you will need to contact the publisher of the journal directly. Links to publishers' websites can be found on the publication homepage of each book or journal. You can view a full list of publishers, and access their Ingenta Connect homepages, here. Please contact the appropriate publisher, via their website, if you would like to subscribe to a journal on Ingenta Connect.
How can I obtain permission for re-use?
Some publishers allow automatic permissions to be granted using the Rightslink and Rightsconnect services. If a publisher supports automated permissions a 'Get Permissions' link will appear on the article page. If a publisher does not support automated permissions or you can't find what you are looking for you will need to contact the publisher of the book or journal directly. Links to publishers' websites can be found on the publication homepage of each book or journal. You can view a full list of publishers, and access their Ingenta Connect homepages, here.
How can I obtain review or sample copies of journals or books on Ingenta Connect?
To obtain review or sample copies you will need to contact the publisher of the book or journal directly. Links to publishers' websites can be found on the publication homepage of each book or journal. You can view a full list of publishers, and access their Ingenta Connect homepages, here. Please contact the appropriate publisher, via their website, if you would like to obtain review or sample copies.
Can I purchase multiple articles in one transaction?
Yes, you can purchase as many articles as you like in a single transaction.
What is your commitment to accessibility?
Ingenta aims to comply with international accessibility standards, including level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1} and VPAT . Our commitment to making Ingenta Connect accessible is a continuous process and we strive to improve the accessibility of all content published on Ingenta Connect. If you encounter any difficulty with using Ingenta Connect or if you have any comments or questions, please contact us.
The font size on Ingenta Connect is too small, how do I make it easier to read?
To resize the text on a page to make it larger, you can ask your browser to resize the page. Look at the "View" menu for a suitable option (or consult your browser documentation).
The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT is a self-disclosing document which evaluates each aspect of WCAG 2.0 requirements and how the product supports each accessibility criteria. VPAT for Ingenta Connect.
Which browsers do you support?
Please read our software compatibility page for details.
I can't see some of the images around the site. Why not?
If you are using Firefox and are running the Adblock extension, please ensure that you are not blocking content from*. Cloudflare hosts the images which render the buttons and some other images on our site, and if you have blocked this domain, then several images on the Ingenta Connect site will not be visible to you. If this does not appear to be the problem, please contact us.
Which version of Adobe Acrobat should I be using to view PDFs?
We recommend Adobe Reader 5.0 or above. Please read our software compatibility page for more details.
How do I report a problem with your website?
Please fill in this form to report and submit any problems you encounter with the display or function of Ingenta Connect.
Further Help
- Access Key
- Free content
- Partial Free content
- New content
- Open access content
- Partial Open access content
- Subscribed content
- Partial Subscribed content
- Free trial content