@article {Guest:2009:1058-1243:12, title = "The Value of New Parent Groups in Child and Family Health Nursing", journal = "The Journal of Perinatal Education", parent_itemid = "infobike://springer/jpe", publishercode ="springer", year = "2009", volume = "18", number = "3", publication date ="2009-01-01T00:00:00", pages = "12-22", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1058-1243", eissn = "1548-8519", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/jpe/2009/00000018/00000003/art00005", doi = "doi:10.1624/105812409X461180", keyword = "child and family health nurse, new-parent groups, partnership", author = "Guest, Eileen Mary and Keatinge, Diana R.", abstract = "A reorganization of child and family health nursing services followed policy changes in New South Wales, Australia, in the late 1990s. However, the introduction of universal and sustained home visiting to all new parents limited resources available to provide support groups for new parents. This qualitative research study used a case study approach to examine the impact of new parents' group attendance on mothers and on mothers' interactions with their baby. Key findings demonstrated that attendance at a group created an opportunity, the overarching theme, for both the mothers and infants. New Parent groups appear to be as important as other modes of nursing service delivery to children and parents and serve a different purpose to center-based or home visits.", }