@article {Brown:2015:1933-3196:123, author = "Brown, Susan H. and Gilman, Sara G. and Goodman, Ellen G. and Adler-Tapia, Robbie and Freng, Steven", title = "Integrated Trauma Treatment in Drug Court: Combining EMDR Therapy and Seeking Safety", journal = "Journal of EMDR Practice and Research", volume = "9", number = "3", year = "2015", itemtype = "article", issn = "1933-3196", eissn = "1933-320X", publication date ="2015-08-01T00:00:00", pages = "123-136", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/emdr/2015/00000009/00000003/art00001" parent_itemid = "infobike://springer/emdr", publishercode ="springer" } @article {Krupnik:2015:1933-3196:137, author = "Krupnik, Valery", title = "Integrating EMDR Into a Novel Evolutionary-Based Therapy for Depression: A Case Study of Postpartum Depression", journal = "Journal of EMDR Practice and Research", volume = "9", number = "3", year = "2015", itemtype = "article", issn = "1933-3196", eissn = "1933-320X", publication date ="2015-08-01T00:00:00", pages = "137-149", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/emdr/2015/00000009/00000003/art00002" parent_itemid = "infobike://springer/emdr", publishercode ="springer" } @article {Abdul-Hamid:2015:1933-3196:150, author = "Abdul-Hamid, Walid Khalid and Hughes, Jamie Hacker", title = "Integration of Religion and Spirituality Into Trauma Psychotherapy: An Example in Sufism?", journal = "Journal of EMDR Practice and Research", volume = "9", number = "3", year = "2015", itemtype = "article", issn = "1933-3196", eissn = "1933-320X", publication date ="2015-08-01T00:00:00", pages = "150-156", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/emdr/2015/00000009/00000003/art00003" parent_itemid = "infobike://springer/emdr", publishercode ="springer" } @article {:2015:1933-3196:157, title = "Book Reviews", journal = "Journal of EMDR Practice and Research", volume = "9", number = "3", year = "2015", itemtype = "article", issn = "1933-3196", eissn = "1933-320X", publication date ="2015-08-01T00:00:00", pages = "157-164", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/emdr/2015/00000009/00000003/art00004" parent_itemid = "infobike://springer/emdr", publishercode ="springer" } @article {Hofmann:2015:1933-3196:94E, author = "Hofmann, Arne and Hilgers, Angelika and Lehnung, Maria and Liebermann, Peter and Ostacoli, Luca and Schneider, Wolfgang and Hase, Michael", title = "L'EMDR (d{\’e}sensibilisation et retraitement par les mouvements oculaires) comme traitement d'appoint de la d{\’e}pression unipolaire : une {\’e}tude contr{\^o}l{\’e}e", journal = "Journal of EMDR Practice and Research", volume = "9", number = "3", year = "2015", itemtype = "article", issn = "1933-3196", eissn = "1933-320X", publication date ="2015-08-01T00:00:00", pages = "94E-104E", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/emdr/2015/00000009/00000003/art00005" parent_itemid = "infobike://springer/emdr", publishercode ="springer" } @article {Amano:2015:1933-3196:105E, author = "Amano, Tamaki and Toichi, Motomi", title = "Efficacit{\’e} de la m{\’e}thode EMDR-sur-le-champ pour le traitement de sympt{\^o}mes comportementaux chez des patients atteints d'une d{\’e}mence s{\’e}v{\‘e}re", journal = "Journal of EMDR Practice and Research", volume = "9", number = "3", year = "2015", itemtype = "article", issn = "1933-3196", eissn = "1933-320X", publication date ="2015-08-01T00:00:00", pages = "105E-122E", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/emdr/2015/00000009/00000003/art00006" parent_itemid = "infobike://springer/emdr", publishercode ="springer" }