@article {Allon:2013:1479-1420:216, title = "No Escape: Culture and Economics in the Present", journal = "Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies", parent_itemid = "infobike://routledg/rccc", publishercode ="routledg", year = "2013", volume = "10", number = "2-3", publication date ="2013-09-01T00:00:00", pages = "216-221", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1479-1420", eissn = "1479-4233", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/rccc/2013/00000010/f0020002/art00005", doi = "doi:10.1080/14791420.2013.806132", keyword = "political economy, cultural economy, communications, media studies, labour, cultural studies", author = "Allon", abstract = "This essay suggests that cultural studies, media studies and communications need to focus on the changes and challenges associated with this particular historical conjuncture, and re-assess the kinds of analysis that can most fruitfully contribute to this critical project. This requires rethinking some conventional assumptions about everyday life, media texts and communications technologies so that a more nuanced understanding of the imbrication between culture, labour and economy in the present moment may be developed.", }