@article {Boden:2006:1355-8250:53, title = "Of Islands and Interactions", journal = "Journal of Consciousness Studies", parent_itemid = "infobike://imp/jcs", publishercode ="imp", year = "2006", volume = "13", number = "5", publication date ="2006-01-01T00:00:00", pages = "53-63", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1355-8250", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/imp/jcs/2006/00000013/00000005/art00004", author = "Boden, Margaret", abstract = "John Ziman-- the much-missed-- reminds us that 'no man is an island', and takes us to task for working from an individualistic theoretical base. That 'us' includes nearly all social scientists, and most Anglo-American philosophers too. For sure, it includes cognitive scientists, who theorize people in terms of concepts drawn from cybernetics and/or artificial intelligence. (I'll use the term 'computational concepts' broadly, to cover both types.) Indeed, it's a common complaint that cognitive science is overly individualistic.", }