@article {Han:2010:1533-4880:7423, title = "Realization of Vertical Silicon Nanowire Networks with an Ultra High Density Using a TopDown Approach", journal = "Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", parent_itemid = "infobike://asp/jnn", publishercode ="asp", year = "2010", volume = "10", number = "11", publication date ="2010-11-01T00:00:00", pages = "7423-7427", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1533-4880", eissn = "1533-4899", url = "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/jnn/2010/00000010/00000011/art00099", doi = "doi:10.1166/jnn.2010.2841", keyword = "ELECTRON-BEAM LITHOGRAPHY, VERTICAL SILICON NANOWIRES, WET OXIDATION, REACTIVE-ION-ETCHING (RIE)", author = "Han, Xiang-Lei and Larrieu, Guilhem and Dubois, Emmanuel", abstract = "In this paper, we demonstrate the topdown fabrication of vertical silicon nanowires networks with an ultra high density (4 \texttimes 1010 cm2), a yield of 100%, and a precise control of both diameter and location. Firstly, dense and well-defined networks of nanopillars have been patterned by e-beam lithography using a negative tone e-beam resist Hydrogen SylsesQuioxane (HSQ). A very high contrast has been obtained using a high acceleration voltage (100 kV), very small beam size at a current of 100 pA and a concentrated developer, 25% Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide. The patterns were transferred by reactive ion etching. Using chlorine based plasma chemistry and low pressure, etching anisotropy was guaranteed while avoiding the so-called 'grass effect'. This approach enabled the production of vertical silicon nanowires networks with a 20 nm diameter and a pitch of 30 nm. Lastly, the self-limited oxidation phenomenon in 1D structure has been used to perfectly control the shrinking of NWs and to obtain a Si surface free of defects induced by reactive ion etching. The silicon nanowires networks have been tapered by wet oxidation (850 \textdegreeC) down to a diameter of 10 nm with a high aspect ratio 11.", }